4799 Shattuck Avenue, Oakland, CA, US
visits on appointment infoATooooo.be
WTC Tower 1 - 25th floor - Boulevard Albert II 30 - B-1210 Brussels
south from Paris, Orléans
Canals of Brussels
Wednesday 23 may 12:00-19:00 Building of Genric very high impedance amp to widener the frequency spectrum of a piezo, based on a drawing of Lenart Friday 25 may 17:00 Testing and making a crystal phono needle to listen to some records on toxicThropea with various artists http://various-artists.be (walk by the ship warf, if you don't see us we are on the public mooring) Wednesday 30 may 15:00 Hydrosonicstreaming with 209.dk http://209.dk/ estimated schedule/ 15:00 Royal Yacht Club Brussels - Chaussée de Vilvorde 1, Bruxelles 16:30 mooring in front of Kaaitheater/Kanal 17:30 Bridge near Qo-2 at Rue Antoine Dansaert
Rue Saint-Hubert 14, 1150 Woluwe-Saint-Pierre
Quai au briques, 1O00 Brussel