a durational program to develop and implement a public performative interface for translocal radio telecommunication. While setting up securely an autonomous infrastructure and hardware, we empower ourselves by collective disembodiement, common voicing, and practices to commonize and decolonize our technologies.
Wave New World
13th of Oct - Brussels in front of Beurs
Micro-trottoir, conversations with passers-by, visual compositions of concerns/aspirations on the 1, 2, 3, 4, 5G, waves and telecommunication technologies.
within the framework of Urban Species

Fountain source

Very Local radio,
tune in our stream of images
during Antwerp Art weekend
- 13.05.2021: 12-21h
- 14.05.2021: 12-18h
- 15.05.2021: 12-18h
- 16.05.2021: 12-18h
poleboxing platform by Samyra Moumouh , co-developed with av-net, rendered by f&e

Sint-Annefontein, Park van Laken, BXL
13 february 2pm
with Claire Williams, Pascale Barret, Lea Ricorday and ooooo
Near the fountain of Saint Anne, join in the ongoing experimentations with your headphones and portable radios on the hertzian frequency of 88.6 Mhz FM. To teleport yourself, settle near a water source with a pair of headphones and a phone connected on https://p-node.org to create a network of fountain radios.
Please stay discrete - do respect COVID protocols and keep a wave distance from each other - in "line of sight".
(with the support of bna-bbot and Vlaamse culuur activiteiten premie)
- Excerpt – background /fallback suppport by
- Myra Van Ameringe reads Anna Friz
- Okkulte Stimmen Mediale Musik IIIB (2-15): Chant prayer for health
- Lead Belly Legacy:Turn Yo' Radio On
- SSTV – Live stream fountain_source.ogg
- Flavien Gillié - Soundmap - Neptunus
- Patty Chang: 1996 – Fountain
- The Open Source: Wellness Centre Future Proof
: van Katinka de Jonge en Liesje De Laet - Splendid Water Gong 157 cm by Tone of Life
: Played by Tom Soltron.mp3 - Julien Poidvin – Crossing waves: Radiesthésie
- Daphne Oram: Tumble wash
- Hugh Le Caine: Dripsody (1955)
- dk206 – buratinas: hydrophone
- 60hZ + frequency sweep
- Okkulte Stimmen Mediale Musik IIIB (2-14
: Zikir from the Rufai tradition - Okkulte Stimmen Mediale Musik IIIA (2-1)
: Banta Trance Speech - Livin dead : Fountain Swell
- Tōru Takemitsu : Water Music
- Planète Concrète: Porter l’un l’autre
- Shivranjani Chachar: Jal Tarang : Milind Tulankar --
- Gorgoroth - an_excert_of_x.mid.mid
- María Callas - Puccini "Vissi d'arte" (Tosca)
- Radio pirate - Le Grand Orchestre du Splendid
- Refused - Liberation Frequency
- Boy Harsher - Electric (Kris Baha Remix)
- Radio Pirate Women - Margaretta D'Arcy
- Cylob -The Braindance Coincidence-Rewind
BNA-BBOT vitrine # 5
119 Rue de Laeken, B-1000 Bruxelles
mi-novembre 2020 - mi-février 2021

The installation in the BNA_BBOT window is a test scenario in which Brussels fountains are used as radio transmitters and receivers. If you take a pump and salt water and the water shoots up to a certain height into the air, the fountain can become an antenna to transmit images (SSTV) and sound (FM), hence messages. Tune in to 108 FM or install a SSTV demodulator. No piracy but an act of 'empowerment' in the electromagnetic spectrum as commons.
We want to receive your recordings of fountains & antenna's & waves to complete the bna-bot soundmap We also collect pictures of antenna's in your neighbourhood". Send to anyATbna-bbot.be
interface into the window installion

Install SSTV DEMODULATOR APP to demodulate the audio signals
Digitaal Salon
40 jaar Radio Centraalx

6-7 pm Webgang
conversation about free software and radio making in a digital era met ooooo - ptr (gnuragist.es) - hansdc (Airlibre) Leen (radio centraal), Wim (webgang), simon + suzie (panik), p-node ea8-9pm planète concrète/ LIVE SONIC JOURNEY

In this schoolkids workshop, we work with copper wire and our own antennas, which we connect with a self-built high-sensitivity mini amplifier prototyped by Claire williams We use our antennas to search for the hidden waves in CC Berchem and listen to the space around us.
in colaboration with rooftoptigerrr

2018 / Noise + pizza with Merda elettronica, Amperror & Magnetic entourage in S14, Antwerp

+ workshopHackerspace Brussels

we install, V-2 - a modular system of radio/streaming broadcast, 21 October, 11 am
Hackerspace Brussels
we gather, 9 november, 7-10pm

a workshop in which we will make wearable antennas by hacking everyday objects with textile techniques. These antennas will be connected to a small circuit that we will build in order to amplify and hear a portion of the electromagnetic activity of our environment.
*Claire Williams* is a digital artist living in Brussels. She graduated from ENSAV La Cambre with a master degree in Textile Design. In parallel to her art practise and research she organises, collaborates incollective projects. Sheregularly givesworkshops and exhibitionsin art festivals, associations, cultural events, schools and museums on open source textiles, FLOSSsoftware & hardware, hacked knitting machines, electronic textiles and stories on analogue textile techniques. http://www.xxx-clairewilliams-xxx.com/
we gathered, 10 september, 5pm

in Electro Magic, a performative event during the public programme Unravelling Citizinship, curated by Michiel van De Velde.
hosted by Azahara ubera Biedma, Bert Balcaen, Ptr_, Marthe Van Dessel
*Bert Balcaen* is a co-founder of rekall.be, where he has been making websites since 2001. Bert was also a researcher at the Jan van Eyck Academy and has a Master in Advanced Interaction (IAAC, Barcelona) and postgraduate in User Centered Design (KULeuven). Currently, he is also a guest professor at KASK, School of Arts, Ghent, where he works with data-visualisation. http://bertbalcaen.info/
*Azahara Ubera Biedma* embodies different spaces for research, production and learning environments. As a solo artist and as parts of different collectives: Somatecx; research group on creep-queer practices initiated in Madrid by the philosopher Paul B. Preciado, Les Bordes an art collective on multidisciplinary artistic practices, gender and identity, and from 2012 designs and organises CORALES a laboratory on social choreography, the creation of collective knowledge and radical pedagogies in the performing arts. In all these practices combines critical theory, movement and sound.
Pieter Heremans is an excavator of digital artefacts. He works as a civil engineer and technical advisor for new media artists. He is currently affiliated with the Experimental Media Research Group (EMRG, St Lucas School of Arts, Antwerp, Belgium) as researcher.
A couple of months ago,
We answered on an Open Call of ExtraCity
Read, write, execute: PROPOSAL: cq-panpanpan.pdf
while the Others moved in Extra city,
we signaled our partners and created an Online collaborative document