Ruimte te Gebruiken
De Hoge Ruimtes are open on Friday 12th, Saturday 13th and Sunday 14th of February, from 11h-18h.
During this period, everyone who wants to is free do his/her own thing. The Upper Spaces will temporarily belong to everyone and no one at the same time. Z33 will not intervene in the organization; participants should agree on space and timing among themselves. Or not.
Meanwhile, we provide a few open source web tools that might come in handy. For the rest there will be no logistic or curatorial support; it’s all up to the participants. Z33 will only intervene by providing house rules which will describe the basic rules.

Mooi niet. Anders kijken naar kunst, anders doen met kunst. - Copyright: Kristof Vranken
Mooi niet.
kijken naar kunst, anders doen met kunst

Social Sculptures
Katrien Oosterlinck & Jordi Ferreiro
“Social sculptures” invites families to an open workshop on the position of bodies in relation to one another. We move in, between, under, outside and around frames and create a kind of newly formed family portrait.
Tuesday 24th of february 2004 was ‘Grey Tuesday’ – a day of coordinated ‘electronic civil disobedience’. Led by an activist group the album of Danger Mouse The Grey Album (a mix between the White album of the Beatles and the black album of JAY-Z) was offered for free download on 170 sites for 24 hours. The protest was provoked by the opinion that the sampling is fair use. Grey Tuesday showed that a large part of the internet community didn't want to accept no longer the control of musical creativity - and especially sampling - by large music labels.
In memory of Grey Tuesday we organise within the framework of " Nepotists, opportunists, freaks, friends and strangers, intersecting in the grey zone." a grey week focusing on open-source communities, peer-to-peer networks, hackers spaces and new distribution models.

Courtesy: Dora Garcia
Steal this book
Dora Garcia
A tribute to Abbie Hoffmann’s pamphlet of the same name, Steal this Book documents eleven recent performative projects by Spanish artist Dora García. Edited by François Piron, the book presents the private correspondence of the artist with the various interpreters of the situations she sets up in the public space. It proposes a documentation of a body of work without an overview, nor an official line, since it takes neither the artist point of view nor the critic’s. Instead, it discloses questions, misunderstandings and arguments, making this book part suspense story, part user’s manual, part script for a stand-up comedy. Steal this Book is presented in exhibitions as a Dora Garcia sculpture meant to be stolen, but can also be found in selected bookstores worldwide.
2009. Edition of 15000.
Softcover, 136 pages. 11 x 18 cm.
Texts in English, Spanish, German and French. B&W illustrations.
Coproduced with CGAC, Santiago de Compostela, Spain ; 10e Biennale de Lyon
Design by Alex Gifreu, Barcelona.
ISBN: 978-2-918252-04-7

Steal this film I & II
The League of Noble Peers
Two documentaries covering the impact of file sharing and the movement against intellectual property.

Wireless Mesh Battle v 2.781
Hacker Space Brussels
Wireless battle mesh version e (or some arbitrary number between v2 and v3)
hsbxl is organising a preparation meeting for the upcoming 'battle of the mesh' v3 (Rome, beginning of june 2010) dealing with linux, open wrt,...
Hacker Space Brussels (HSB) is a space, dedicated to various aspects of constructive & creative hacking, located in Scha{a,e}rbeek.

Photo: Valentina Stieger
arthur #22
In arthur #22 radio arthur is deploying strategies that parallel those developed by Jean-François Lyotard in 1984 for his exhibition "Les Immatériaux". French philosopher and curator Jean-François Lyotard adapted French post structuralist thinking onto the exhibition space by relating theoretical texts and audio-recordings, revolutionary inventions, literature, ethnological finds and artistic works in a rhizomatic structure.
Monthly radio arthur, ( conjoins, since 2007 in its 90-minute programme art and its various discourses. radio arthur always brings the new to be approached discourse about the potential of art in a concentrated and experimental form. A discourse, which is little realized not only in the need to be an event, but also in the medias, such as journals, magazines, or the local radio, and if only one-sided and unique and in easy digestible bites. The auditive space is not only the actual and archetypal form of a discourse, of speaking about art, it‘s also an artistic space, a potential art form, respective artistic material. For Z33 radio arthur produces a 90-minute programme, that is accessible throughout the exhibition space as an audio guide.
AM to 1.00 PM

Courtesy: 68Septante
Nomadic Video Library
An eclectic film catalogue + an alternative mode of screening + an itinerant project .

Courtesy Galerie Fortlaan 17, Gent
Lotte Van den Audenaeren
A written word becomes an object, while a neon lamp becomes a sculpture. The word 'blanco' (blank) takes on new meaning, while playing with light, form and surrounding space. The video is an attempt to show blanco meaning, unwritten space. (Existing) contexts, ideas, plans and expectations are dismantled, questioned and examined. Lotte plays with the meaning of words, but also with the space and context in situ. Objects and concepts are abstracted and depending on the location, framed in a new context. It is thus the space that connects the works and interventions.

Copyright: Tere Recarens, Halina Kliem and Christine Woditschka, 2008
Getting Lost Together - Friendship and Work
Christine Woditschka
In the performance Getting Lost Together – Friendship and Work, Christine Woditschka wears a classical black suit, high-heels and sunglasses. She gives a personal speech about living and working conditions of cultural producers, focusing the interconnection of friendship and business relations.
In the framework of the project Getting Lost Together – Friendship and Work, questions of (self-)precarization are discussed. The main focus is on the absorption and paradoxical economic valorization of participation and self-initiative. Following the slogan: Increasing the quality of life through self-realizing and fulfilling work. Or simply: A Passion to Perform (Deutsche Bank).
Objects that behave in unforeseeable ways / Item 2519
We dedicate the evening to the launching of "Objects Without Property".
The website is a catalogue listing all movable objects present in the building of PAF (Performing Arts Forum, Reims, France) . There are 10.000 objects that you can rent and leave there to make their use possible for all PAF residents.
On the 13th of march, we connect live to Radio-PAF.

Cheap imitation part one - Copyright: Vincent Dunoyer
Titles in progress
Vincent Dunoyer
What does a dancer/choreographer do when he’s not dancing/choreographing?
He comes up with titles for the project he wishes to dance/choreograph.
In 2009 choreographer Vincent Dunoyer started a research project in order to create “choreographic objects”. He wants to explore a hybrid form – between dance, theatre and object – a dance presented as a collection of a priori non-theatrical “objects”. For one week, Vincent Dunoyer will be working in the gallery space of Z33.

Courtesy: Johanna Kirsch
Deinstitutionalized announcement of a secret
Johanna Kirsch
For being invited in an overlapping space which offers possibilities for communication, exchange, emergence, chaos, naivety, interpretations, projections, illusions and disillusions, polemics, friendship and community, I want to provide a ritual.
Maybe it will be about the chance to restructure things.
Maybe it will be invisible.
Maybe it will be visible.
Maybe it will be very strong.
Maybe it will not have any effect at all.

Courtesy: Ondine Cloez
Grand Tourists
Sara Manente, Ondine Cloez, Michiel Reynaert
Tourists, hunters, landscape designers, savages, painters, gardeners, models, portraits, walkers, passers by, connaisseurs. Different ways of looking at arts and being looked as arts.
The primary value of the Grand Tour, it was believed, lay in the exposure both to the cultural legacy of classical antiquity and the Renaissance, and to the aristocratic and fashionable society of the European continent. In addition, it provided the only opportunity to view specific works of art, and possibly the only chance to hear certain music. A grand tour could last from several months to several years. It was commonly undertaken in the company of a knowledgeable guide or tutor.

Courtesy: Laia Sadurní
Living with knots
Laia Sadurní
We can understand a knot as a join, encounter or common agreement.
Can we also experience them as an attachement to reinforce relations
and even sometimes identification and dependency...?
What happens if we consider them as a restriction,
an obstacle that cuts flow and circulation producing stagnition?
Being surrounded by this complexity we will try to understand knots by
drawing a collective live diagram around them while practising through waving

Jean-Pierre Collignon, Andre Stas, Jacques Charlier, Liege, 1979, still from 'Sad In Country (Part2) - Copyright: Philippe Gielen
Sad in country I & II
Catherine Vertige & Kosten Koper
Belgium is a country well noted for its 'vagueness' and taking this into account, this Belgian film delves into the world of 'quasi' cultural forms. One of the vaguest notions in the cultural lexicon is that of the 'collective' and this film explores, through a non hierarchical system of montage, collective art actions in Belgium and their intersection with dominant and subcultural political and cultural ideologies that brushed against them.