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DYOU*Design Your Own Utopia* is a self-organising initiative for meetings,launched in july 2008 in a temporary art space in Antwerp, ConflictRoom. It connects to the existing infrastructure of the city and involves different local interest groups & individuals around the topic of utopia.

download part 1
download part 2
with Miss
Tigra - Annelies (van Echobeatty) - & EM with a
selection remix of Coshi's
(of Dandy &
supported by epsteinbar

Potgeluk + Filmevening
18 november
Van Breestraat 8 - Antwerpen
19 october - 18:00
2140 Borgerhout
Katrien Oosterlinck & Vicentiu Garbacea & Marthe Van Dessel
round up intermezzo presentation

Between A and B
Van A naar B
21 september
Once dreamt of as a rooftop parc in Brussels center, Park 58. is an ideal intercity trip on a car free day. What waits for us in B(xl): a marathon, concerts, performances... art and sports!
We leave at 10:00 ConflictRoom, in Antwerp. To celebrate cycling, we don't take the highway to Bussels but the small roads along the canal! And yes, let's prepare a potluck snack to share at a picnic on the rooftop of this parking lot.
When it get's dark, we go back with the bike on the train.
open for any intervention
pitstops à l’improviste, a story, a fantastic utopistic
drawing, an intriguing speech, an interesting skill to share, guitar tuning,
bike pimping, show and tell, performance, ...

Turnhoutsebaan 177 - 2140 Antwerpen
:estimated arrival:
1, rue de l’Evêque, 1000 Bruxelles

Park 58

PARK 58 is an initiative that aims at a creative reinvention and utopic
re-appropriation of a very special place in the city of Brussels, Parking 58,
a huge parking lot in the heart of the city.
To launch the project, on September 21, Sunday without Cars, several cultural associations and artist collectives organise together an artistic marathon, where sports meets arts and where the public will be invited to enjoy several performances, concerts and an exhibition, or run a few rounds in the marathon...
Open call:
exhibition Recyclart 16-26 oct. & Gare de Bruxelles-Congrès en nov.

Brussels North Station

Utopia or Bust Products for the Perfect World (Paperback)
by Philip Garner (Author)

09/11/2008 Kievistnest
9 september
Kievitsnest, kerk
Provinciestraat 112, Antwerpen
accessible by bike!
bring something,
to eat & share
cirtical mass assistance: ?

27/08/008 A.I.R
27 augustus
AIR Antwerpen
Sasmeesterswoning Royerssluis / Oosterweelsteenweg 3 - 2030 Antwerpen
accessible by bike!
bring something,
to eat & share
OPEN presentation FORMAT
hosted by the fasting Ng
start: 19:15


meeting T. Morus Square

10/08/008 Thomas Morusplein

10/08/008 Linkeroever
Following on the open meeting in ConflictRoom, Design your own utopia,
we initiate this sunday, august 10th, a bike trip to the Thomas Morus square on Linkeroever, Antwerp.
Be very welcome with your bike!!!

Samen Bike Ride -> Thomas Morusplein
Sun - 10th of AUGUSTUS
Turnhoutsebaan 177 Borgerhout
The route is undetermined, share your skills and local knowledge upon this route! Brings some food, Potluck/ picnic.
bike guide: wouter van der hallen
group guide: CANDO by sam verhaert
open meeting
around the pamphlet
'design your own utopia'

This publication encourages us to rethink our
societal model on a social, political, economical and philosophical level. A concrete question sheet helps to sharpen your ideas, values, desires and relationships towards others. It creates a mental space to tune in ….

7/08/008 Borgerhout - ConflictRoom
DO - 7th of AUGUSTUS
in week 32,
nico van dijck / de klup / tamara van san / marthe van dessel / bolwerK /
rinus van de velde


In the 16th century, Thomas More wrote his Utopia in Antwerp,
a social satire and a critical claim in English society. Unsatisfied with his own country, he imagined a utopia, an ideal, imaginary island. The book is written in the form of a dialogue between the author and an imaginary traveler who has visited many countries.
> full book to read & download
> from the open archive of the Gutenberg Institut

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