atnofs-insert \__NOPUBLISH__


associations->members members->ROUND Δ city->FUND FUND->employee artistic programme->artist in residence artistic programme->virtual residence artistic programme->unconference artistic programme->publications artistic programme->radio/podcast artistic programme->collaborations collaborations->local collaborations->international account- services->mail/webmail account- services->mailman account- services->Gitlab account- services->web hosting account- services->Domains account- services->Wolke  / Nextcloud account- services->Jitsi  / BBB account- services->Etherpad account- services->offline apartment state->FUND employee->sysadmin_1 employee->sysadmin_2 employee->manager sysadmin_1->data center sysadmin_2->data center manager->artistic programme data center->account- services data center->virtual machine data center->physical machine data center->electricity data center->internet data center->location/rent data center->replace hardware individuals->members ROUND Δ->solidarity fee solidarity fee->data center collectives->members district->FUND associations associations members members city city FUND FUND artistic programme artistic programme artist in residence artist in residence virtual residence virtual residence unconference unconference publications publications radio/podcast radio/podcast collaborations collaborations account- services account- services mail/webmail mail/webmail mailman mailman Gitlab Gitlab web hosting web hosting Domains Domains Wolke  / Nextcloud Wolke  / Nextcloud Jitsi  / BBB Jitsi  / BBB Etherpad Etherpad offline apartment offline apartment state state employee employee sysadmin_1 sysadmin_1 sysadmin_2 sysadmin_2 manager manager data center data center virtual machine virtual machine physical machine physical machine electricity electricity internet internet location/rent location/rent replace hardware replace hardware individuals individuals ROUND Δ ROUND Δ solidarity fee solidarity fee collectives collectives local local international international district district


eclectictechcarnival credit->BUY BUY->bare metal machine virtual machine->mastodon self-finance->virtual machine self-finance->bare metal machine self-finance->domain names bare metal machine-> bare metal machine->peertube bare metal machine->nextcloud bare metal machine->gitlab bare metal machine->mailman 1 year->bare metal machine 1 year->domain names 1 year->fee fee->adminsysters fund->1 year volunteer->digital care digital care->virtual machine digital care->bare metal machine A Fair New Idea->fund now/before->self-finance now/before->volunteer eclectictechcarnival credit eclectictechcarnival credit BUY BUY virtual machine virtual machine mastodon mastodon self-finance self-finance bare metal machine bare metal machine domain names domain names 1 year 1 year fee fee peertube peertube nextcloud nextcloud gitlab gitlab mailman mailman fund fund volunteer volunteer digital care digital care A Fair New Idea A Fair New Idea now/before now/before adminsysters adminsysters


buffer for emergencies->members members->monthly fee members->commission job monthly fee->common fund common fund->buffer for emergencies common fund->internet common fund->rent common fund->electricity common fund->expenses common fund->public program 15%->common fund institution->fee fee->common fund fee->space leftover capital->common fund public funding->rent public funding->public program public funding->labour workgroups non-funded->free free->space space->internet space->rent space->electricity space->physical server space->printing infra space->electronic depot space->kitchinette space->library printing infra->pricelist non-member->institution non-member->artist non-member->activist artist->non-funded artist->funded activist->free funded->fee commission job->15% fair use->common fund pricelist->fair use buffer for emergencies buffer for emergencies members members monthly fee monthly fee common fund common fund 15% 15% institution institution fee fee internet internet rent rent electricity electricity expenses expenses public program public program leftover capital leftover capital public funding public funding labour workgroups labour workgroups non-funded non-funded free free space space physical server physical server printing infra printing infra electronic depot electronic depot kitchinette kitchinette library library non-member non-member artist artist activist activist funded funded commission job commission job fair use fair use pricelist pricelist


zulip->chat backup->local backup->lurk tinc->vpn friend->chat friend->etherpad,pump,dump friend->website distribusi->archive znc->chat member->physical machine physical machine->zulip physical machine->backup physical machine->backup physical machine->tinc physical machine->etherpad,pump,dump physical machine->website physical machine->distribusi physical machine->znc physical machine->mediawiki physical machine->gitea physical machine->nextcloud physical machine->keycloack physical machine->kanboard physical machine->xmpp kanboard->project managment xmpp->chat zulip zulip chat chat backup backup local local lurk lurk tinc tinc vpn vpn friend friend etherpad,pump,dump etherpad,pump,dump website website distribusi distribusi archive archive znc znc member member physical machine physical machine mediawiki mediawiki gitea gitea nextcloud nextcloud keycloack keycloack kanboard kanboard xmpp xmpp project managment project managment


buffer for emergencies->members members->workgroups workgroups->infrastructure workgroups->mediation workgroups->communication workgroups->finance workgroups->library workgroups->space common fund->buffer for emergencies common fund->expenses expenses->medium expenses->large expenses->small medium->discuss discuss->monthly meeting monthly meeting->members large->discuss buffer for emergencies buffer for emergencies members members workgroups workgroups infrastructure infrastructure mediation mediation communication communication finance finance library library space space common fund common fund expenses expenses medium medium discuss discuss monthly meeting monthly meeting large large small small

constant vzw

ftp->sponge sponge->main-website etherpad->wefts wefts->sponge donation->SOS relief piwigo->sponge virtual machines->ftp virtual machines->sponge virtual machines->etherpad virtual machines->piwigo virtual machines->and much more... virtual machines->websites virtual machines->calibre virtual machines->spip virtual machines->gitlab virtual machines->nextcloud virtual machines->bigbluebutton virtual machines->photogallery calibre->sponge spip->sponge bigbluebutton->donation photogallery->sponge public->etherpad public->bigbluebutton affinities->etherpad affinities->websites affinities->gitlab affinities->nextcloud affinities->bigbluebutton affinities->public supports->free software development bare metal machine->virtual machines physical machine->backup physical machine->electricity physical machine->internet physical machine->location/rent location/rent->office vlaamse overheid->digital infrastructure digital infrastructure->virtual machines digital infrastructure->bare metal machine digital infrastructure->physical machine digital infrastructure->mailinglist / newsletter digital infrastructure->domain name vgc->digital infrastructure maribel->sysadmins &  admin fund->supports fund->vlaamse overheid fund->vgc fund->maribel fund->fwb arts numériques fwb arts numériques->digital infrastructure association->fund ftp ftp sponge sponge etherpad etherpad wefts wefts donation donation SOS relief SOS relief piwigo piwigo virtual machines virtual machines and much more... and much more... websites websites calibre calibre spip spip gitlab gitlab nextcloud nextcloud bigbluebutton bigbluebutton photogallery photogallery public public affinities affinities supports supports free software development free software development bare metal machine bare metal machine physical machine physical machine backup backup electricity electricity internet internet location/rent location/rent vlaamse overheid vlaamse overheid digital infrastructure digital infrastructure vgc vgc mailinglist / newsletter mailinglist / newsletter domain name domain name maribel maribel sysadmins &  admin sysadmins &  admin fund fund fwb arts numériques fwb arts numériques office office main-website main-website association association

LURK>Agnes>Borok Agnes->repository Agnes->email Agnes->webserver Agnes->mailinglists Agnes->free friends Agnes->audio chat Agnes->xmpp chat Agnes->shared Borok->Agnes Borok->exclusive Borok->wiki Borok->free friends one-time donations->open collective one-time donations->ko-fi open collective->infrastructure open collective->labour ko-fi->pay backup->borg backup->backupninja workflow->time credit time credit->labour repository->stagit streaming->icecast email->postfix Skattkista->backup Skattkista->quid pro quo Skattkista->shared machine microblogging->hometown/mastodon infrastructure->vpn-tinc vpn-tinc-> vpn-tinc->dutch uni network vpn-tinc->residential isp vpn-tinc->greenhost vm VMB->streaming VMB->microblogging VMB->sponsored machine VMB->exclusive dutch uni network->Skattkista residential isp->Manis greenhost vm->VMB webserver->nginx Manis->shared machine Manis->self-funded Manis->alt_backup recurring donations->open collective labour->320*200 labour->lidia_p labour->rra labour->yaxu wiki->mediawiki mailinglists->mailman3 occasional project funding->open collective audio chat->mumble xmpp chat->prosody Agnes Agnes Borok Borok one-time donations one-time donations open collective open collective ko-fi ko-fi backup backup borg borg backupninja backupninja workflow workflow time credit time credit repository repository stagit stagit streaming streaming icecast icecast email email postfix postfix Skattkista Skattkista quid pro quo quid pro quo shared machine shared machine microblogging microblogging hometown/mastodon hometown/mastodon infrastructure infrastructure vpn-tinc vpn-tinc VMB VMB sponsored machine sponsored machine exclusive exclusive dutch uni network dutch uni network residential isp residential isp greenhost vm greenhost vm webserver webserver nginx nginx Manis Manis self-funded self-funded alt_backup alt_backup recurring donations recurring donations labour labour wiki wiki mediawiki mediawiki mailinglists mailinglists mailman3 mailman3 free friends free friends occasional project funding occasional project funding audio chat audio chat mumble mumble xmpp chat xmpp chat prosody prosody 320*200 320*200 lidia_p lidia_p rra rra yaxu yaxu pay pay shared shared

(Site generated by E2H, an "Etherpad hypermedia" project by @dcht00). Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.