feministische-servers-verenigd I[🔌↗️🚪 .conf ]

Call for proposals 3: Working digitally in the arts field

APPLICATION  https://antonieta.vedetas.org/p/feministische-servers-application
COMMENTS  https://antonieta.vedetas.org/p/feministische-servers-comments
COLLABORATION https://antonieta.vedetas.org/p/feministische-servers-collab
FEEDBACK https://antonieta.vedetas.org/p/feministische-servers-feedback
(residency, self-curated events, ateliers/workshops)
REPORT http://eth.leverburns.blue/p/feministische-servers-tube-report

AGREEMENT https://antonieta.vedetas.org/p/feministische-servers-agreement (draft KP)

GIT - https://git.systerserver.net/anarchaserver/conf

FINANCES https://eveliyn.vedetas.org/t6l3s3epcmmw

privacy camp : https://antonieta.vedetas.org/p/privacy-camp-feminist-infra
1/02 - 28/02 meltionary residency
4/02 vvvvaria meeting meltionary
1/03 MUR-AT residency deadline : http://eth.leverburns.blue/p/mur 
April ?? after party collective + local embedding ? - imal.org ? http://imal.org/
May - finalization - report/feedback -  documentation.  ( overview residency)  rhetorics of future existence

Personal calendar to put in correlation with 
estragonius ::  not around until 9th of march, 8-12 april bucharest
mara :: 22 april - 16 may bologna/rotterdam

august 30

present: mara, ooooo, nats, ezn, estragon, spideralex
agenda: 16:00 - 18:00 max - 

- feedback from the livestream from THF, and some ideas on how to continue with peertube, including new funding applications.
 -remaining budget (contribute to application) / https://eveliyn.vedetas.org/t6l3s3epcmmw
- discuss our main coming tasks about the kunstenpunt report, 
- sysadmin handbook proposal?
- application for stimuleringsfonds  - how to proceed? - idea
- interview end of sept

nats: Good time, hyped to see the difference it makes to have this infrastructure. Not so surprisingly people got excited, spirit of now that is there, can other people also use it? feminist filmakers. is there a vision for that? how is the funding? how is the maintenance? People were interested and looking for platforms like this. they would like to share their stuff via peertube.

ooooo: there were lots of parallel tracks. people wanted to have streaming, some wanted video documentation. it was a relief that were lots of parallel tracks that will be documented that i can look at afterwards. for example last 2 weeks i was looking at the content that happened during thf. some things are video, but also static image with conversation. there is a lot of material generated and is interested to watch after what has been produced. is there an overview of what will still be contributed to peertube

Spider: regarding the peertube instance, it would be nice to get an estimation of costs for its maintenance and costs for increasing space and from an admin side?
how can the peertube be supported? with fundings? there is money out there to get. people in the community would be willing to provide money to cover events and for archiving.

mara: no we havent done this exercise. we have looked of how much space we have in systerserver. but we havent made  estimation[ of resources ]::: how much time we have to maintain on peertube. how much time is needed? and how much we want to provide. can we come up with a protocol for people and/ or collectives to show their material? how can they contribute/

only livestreaming and archiving events? or is the tube also aimed at filmmakers? 

ezn: grant writing etc has brought other directions. for example collaboratively setting up peertube for other communities, or creating features 

artemis: questions of availability and commitment by sysadmins. guide of how to create your own peertube instance.

mara: interest in spiders offer to sit down and talk about funding. meeting this november for instance. 

ooooo: grants and funds to sustain. server + sysadmins capacity. we started to write for stimuleringsfonds application - internationalisation platform. it seems about what do we have to write, but there is writing done already around peertube and the federation of peertube. pedagogical exchange of how to set it up for other instances so in the future we can federate with other instances. the application that we were preparing was a grant to preparing the work we were doing last year. last year we had a more curatorial approach of how to activate the peertube. thf was a grassroots streaming
last week for a moment we were saying to write a grant about monitoring, but what are we going to monitor if we dont have active users? it seems that peertube is the most interesting (?) for people to co-develop/contribute.  what are other funding possibilities?

nats: what you mean by monitoring?

ooooo: what is the use of energy on the server? critical energy resources. how do you have your infrastructure available? monitoring is only when you have activity. look at the power consumption of the server. looking at specific choices you make

nats: testing out and having activity is the condition to improve it. not sure where/when we stand with the stimuleringsfond. i remember this idea about federation. who is commited to do the application? 
federation wise: we met with ai carmela during thf she may be interested to host her own platform, together with catalan feminist centre ca la dona. it is maybe good to have this as a first contact for federation. place? but i think she would also be interested to join this group..

spider: making scenarios. internal communication on this. creating a manual on creating a peertube instance, or developing a feature etc. after that, think of possible funds, subscriptions, ways of sustaining. i can help to have some clarity, find some funds 

mara: stimulirings has an international context, funding work outside of the netherlands. weeklong events of setting up their own peertube, application until 22 of september. mara and artemis are very busy until end of december. it would be good to know about support for the peertube. question to spider: if we provide the peertube as a service to feminists.

spider has one in mind she is involved with. fund without specific deadline. supporting feminist infrastructures and feminist collectives.  max 15.000 euro. spider will share when it is more clear. 

artemis: let's keep other possibilities in mind. in varia a new application is written. the stress to apply to what they want shapes the application. guides us to things we don´t really want or are not interested. .. alternatives would be good in case we don´t get it and just to have more possibilities.

oooo: momentum of people who are interested. with the stimulerings funds we started to invent based on the conditions of application. we never did think about what we need to look into funds that would foster our needs. stimulerings is a big thing (up to 200.000) and a lot of effort. where are we without it? let's be careful with that. 
we are just 4 admins and the chances seem small. we start writing to fit a project with them there is a lot of logistical costs, travelling between countries. but that may not be a basic need to sustain the projects that we want. a lot of work will go into the organisation of the social events. 

spider: having clarity about peer tube instance costs is super important. 
so you can also ask support to the community through a susbcription fee 

mara: above 25.000 euros stimuleering is really strict with accountancy. so i wouldnt go for more, for sure. 

spider: have you planned to do collaborations with institutions that could work as cheval de troy / troian horse for you? 

m4ra: havn't though about this. maybe varia?

oooo: we were talking about how we can make one and how we can have one? but no implimentation at the moment.

Donestech (Catalonia). sometimes we do apply for funds. we'll go through new rounds for funds. there is lot of different funds for that in spain (https://www.donestech.net/)
Labomedia (France) Infrastructure around futuretic and they also have a peertube instance, there is some money in france to tap for this kind of digital critical infrastructure (https://labomedia.org/)
Two possible allied organisations that could support asking funds for supporting the instance.

mika: loosing time of contemplating going back and forth. okay with collaborative writing. marthe and mika would like to write the application. question to nats?

m4ra: decision whether we apply or not is important for the visa. 

oooo: maybe we could make another session today? rereading. some content is still missing. with the input form the thf let's continue the work. it would be possible to apply. 
berlin-broken house
catalonia-ca la dona

nats: we should finalise the decision today. 
ooooo: in athens we could do 1 session
nats: i can do proofreading for sure in the end, evening of the 19th, on the 20th and 21rst
ooooo: people should declare availability. example active contributor for content, 
artemis: cannot commit to writing (stress with varia application)würden. ill find time to go through the text and fill potential availability+role.

ooooo: find a moment to say: what are our needs. .. and alternatives

mara: afni was little money for a lot of work. but a lot of freedom. under budget. it happened and it went fine. 

artemis: it enabled the start of a very nice thing, the peertube. 
oooo: big ignition during the thf. 5-6 people doing the documentation with this platform to distribute the content. the thf took on the platform and generated content and it was a good feeling. 

there are pragmatic technical comments to the peertube from the thf. 

nats - proof - 18th, evening 19th /  final ::: 20th/21th - flexible emergency reading and proofreading
ezn - ooooo -  (?) (?) weekend - 
mara - ooooo -  12/13th of sept
mara -  oooooo -   (ezn online?) 20th 
estragon - posible proof 19/20 september

 -remaining budget (contribute to application) / https://eveliyn.vedetas.org/t6l3s3epcmmw
APPLICATION - 580 (ezn, mara, ooooo) 200/mika- 240 oooo  -  140 mara
write the rest of application
ask letters of intention -  of organisations/partners
SYSADMIN - 720 (august 200 (ezn,mara), 200 sept (ezn), 200 october(ezn-oooo), 120 november (artemis) 
**** peertube needs to be update
**** server reboot
**** general upgrades - nextcloud - gitlab
DOC - 100 (mara + artemis)
**** writing the report/post-- zoiahorn--/residencies ----  ? -----  blog ??? post ??? -- 2 DAYS - 
**** interview  accessibility ::: http://eth.leverburns.blue/p/access-server-interview  ( review)
**** local interview - 30 september -- ( volunteer)
- train  ezn (66) / train ooooo (10) /-  1/2 october - constant vzw -  ***

- sysadmin handbook proposal? technical zine 2400
(which day of femcast :: lila)
(ignifugo --- handbook ?)
research on what is already there (what other guidelines)

June 28 meeting
present: ooooo, ezn, estragon, nate, m4ra

- evaluation/ residencies =::
- [broken house]  > snippets -compilation with narration / platform longer term - collabaration
- > make meeting poll -- ezn
- financial report ( 12700- again)

- transmediale "scale" : competion open call //https://data.transmediale.de/assets/uploads/tm23_call_for_proposals.pdf

**  scale  is not the problem, the challenge is about inhabitable infrastructure
posing as a radical (pre-federated) small scale project
** exemple :: different residencies - made channels 
*** contact email adress ? afni mailinglist?  
PAD: https://antonieta.vedetas.org/p/transmediale23

- confirmation S14 - archive lever burns (tomorrow session)
- greasey horses > mailinglist
- nextcloud ? storage  *** 

June 6 meeting
present: ooooo, estragon, m4ara, ezn

sysadmin tasks for june
afni project overview
finances and invoicing
 - mika, artemis, mara, ignifugo --ooooo follows up with tom

Send link for next funding possibility https://www.stimuleringsfonds.nl/en/grants/internationalization-of-the-design-sector-grant-scheme

error disk
This message was generated by the smartd daemon running on:
   host name:  adele
   DNS domain: mur.at
The following warning/error was logged by the smartd daemon:
Device: /dev/sdb [SAT], 1 Offline uncorrectable sectors
Device info:
HP SSD S700 Pro 1TB, S/N:HBSA49011400028, WWN:a-000000-000000000, FW:R0201B, 1.02 TB
For details see host's SYSLOG.
You can also use the smartctl utility for further investigation.
Another message will be sent in 24 hours if the problem persists.

mur.at - when ooooo in graz
interview june 7
- Do you have suggestions how to make girls / women / X more educated in tech? 
- What difficulties did you experience as women / queer / X in tech? 
- How to reach teenagers to get interested in tech? 
And I'd like to remove "girls" and instead ask about women, trans, queer, no-binary persons. 
here I post again is the interview folder link they sent us: https://wolke.mur.at/s/F38Tq3cYtwLWzT5
( file is not found )

May 10 meeting
present: ezn, estragon, m4ra

- sysadmin tasks
- project management overview

- invoices
mika and artemis send invoices for project management in april

mail tom / proposal wendy  >> use afni for our travels but they don't ask
mail meltionary /   ( cfr 
mail afterparty collective
open call? or propose other artists
tmux attach -t backups

Sysadmin/Project management meeting 6th April 12:00 - 13:00 CET 
- self curated event 
- residency
- sysadmin (tickets)
- invitation -  netwerkmoment A Fair New Idea?! /
- availability/planning

- invoices for March :// https://eveliyn.vedetas.org/t6l3s3epcmmw
 ignifugo / conclude the documentation

Hello Cherry,

Thanks a lot for all the info and clarifications. It would be best to talk in a video call with you about technical challenges and how we can make this work!
As for your proposal to have the event on April 30th-May 1st, unfortunately that can't work for us. We are now thinking that the best date would be in June, since we are hosting other projects till then. But that's up for discussion together with you.
Would Monday, 11 April at 19:00 work for you to have a video call?

In solidarity, 
A Fair New Idea

> https://systerserver.net/
> https://anarchaserver.org/
> http://terminal.leverburns.blue/
-- streaming / constantvzw - june 2, 9, 16, 23 of june.

hi Wendy, Mia, and Elodie,

all sounds doable, we just have to coomunicate availability regarding the specific dates you've proposed.
let's keep in touch about the final dates.
we'd be happy to host these sessions!

In solidarity, 
A Fair New Idea

> https://systerserver.net/
> https://anarchaserver.org/
> http://terminal.leverburns.blue/

-- ( event) check with tom - network event // / 5 May -  /  1000E more for June sysadmin + management work - 
hi Tom,

we've received an AFNI netwerkmoment email from Kunstenpunt and we wanted to double check if the invitation was extended to us as well. We were wondering in what language is it gonna be conducted? Also, are we expected to prepare something for this meeting if we manage to join? 

all best,
_mika on behalf of The Feminist Server

Sysadmin - 3 march 14:00 - 16:00
- what we did in february 
    - DONE - postgress update  (notify the list - estragonius)
    - TO DO - update peertube 
    - TO DO - nextcloud -*** ignifugo ***
- for march ?

- for later ?

email to sysadmins

Hello everyone,

During our sysadmin work in February, we managed to upgrade to PostgreSQL 12, also migrate all our databases to this latest version, Gilab to 13.12.15, and Peertube to 4.0.0. 

Sysadmin tasks for March:
- Nextcloud upgrade. >>> For this, Ignifigo, are you still interested to initiate a session on that?
- Gitlab upgrade to latest 14.x.x version
- Peertube upgrade to 4.1.0
- Documentation updates

Status of artistic contributions
MELT pending plan for their video uploads.
Afterparty cancelled their residency for April.
We are waiting for answers to the Open Call

Availability for March
sysadmins: ezn, ooooo, artemis, ignifugo?


Project management meeting 1st February 17:00 - 19:00 CET 
discuss pending invoices for server costs, our sysadmin work, our speakers and the residency artists. 
https://eveliyn.vedetas.org/t6l3s3epcmmw   ADD YOUR OWN INVOICED TOTAL _ 
whois available for sysadmin management for February  
whois available for project management for February  
     (AFter party collective never reacted / follow up / organize -organize call)
     (find participation -flanders -local embedding)
after party collective  ( planning event /residency - proposal local ambedding)
 (finalize - end of february  / panel . march ) (- clear proposal) 
discuss meeting with meltionary  https://antonieta.vedetas.org/p/feministische-servers-collab-meltionary
and contact with the 

peertube /
delete the  test content *** 
process - comments  / revison by nate -  evaluation >> write list /  about - nate
develop the idea of trigger warnings ? ( maybe also in discussion  )  !!!!QUALITY!!!
About + triggers/NSF >> can lead to template - and not be focused on our peertube service.....
??? styling /interface ??? 

we have followers?

please add here other stuff 

Sysadmin meeting Monday 31st at 15:00 - 17:00 CET 

Todo for February


29/11 - 14:00
-residencies/open call

21/10  2pm
-residencies/open call
> sys admin  tasks  ( planning - backup)
> status update
- mailing - little text what Kunstenpunt sent - not same.. did you send it to tom /mare
- agreement

to do
write people popfi - for wp zimmer  thursday 18th .

or which feminist server > - calendar tool ?
arrange a meeting with collaborating projects  
( CONFERENCE +SELECTED INTERST  BEFORE MID SEPTEMBER - We read ourselves and leave a comment/vote in the COLLABORATOS PAD)
(meeting with potential residency curators in the beginning of october) > OOOOO
10th 6th(was short notice) September voting end for 5 interesting collaboratos
21st Sept, 6th Oct, 8 Oct possible meetings with collaborators
Mara contacts Donna + Nate for email administration, write to Tom about the agreement, inform /ETC+femservers list.
Mika create user in systerserver, start git doc for sysadmin steps (see /root/Changelog)?


/  ingifugo after january
/ mika + ooooo in S14 for sure september   + other months)
/ mara available - peertube-  end september/october ... sysadmin referer until end of 2021 !!
/ artemis October/December  - sysadmin / follow up - peertube installation
/ nate September/October - documentation and communication support (still boarding... :)
> accountability  > change roles /

LOG 02/09 -friday  - what time ::: morning - 10:30 September 10:00 or 19:00
- Brief intro 
We propose an infrastructure related project and host video residencies on our servers with peertube, curated by an artist collective.
Leuverbens physical machine for backups.
We will do 2 residencies + self curated events
Feedback we got from the funding party: Budget may be bit low for the technical implementation, so after the peertube installation we can ask for pentesting and inform the Fund if they could cover it. Also if we see that we need extra budget for the sysadmin work, we can also ask them for that.
Keep the funder party updated about our work. Send a report after the first residency, and see how to continue based on that.
Arrange a call with their accountant for the payment options (invoices, volunteer payments)
We applied to Lesbienalle, we hear back on the 9th october
Contact LEUVEN university to host video streaming in our peertube instance for the conference
Cripping the Digital

- project ( concept + finances + period)
- short intros sysadmin  + motivation  +  availability for the coming 3 months, September-October-November
- feedback
- PLANNING peertube install
mid - end September research  
october implementation

> accountability  > change roles / **
> medium :: 
SIGNAL ( group) 
/ EMAIL (2-list ---- 1 list Adminsys - ??  to coordinate)
 >>> update Anarchserver/Femserver-) 
/ GIT 

- PREPPING - opencall /collaborations
- Agreement

- infrastructures / update (please add/correct)
 ( what is the tasks)

LOG 20/08
- meeting :: 10 am - https://meet.jit.si/LonelyAntsParticipateAdorably

LOG 19/08

- intro - ignifugo 
- internal mailinglist - necessary ?
- comments
- finances
(see comments )

( access systerserver) >> artemis, angeliki ?    - gaba - donna
( access anarchaserver) mika, ooooo  - gaba

apply -for event 
- lesbian conference  : https://lesbiennale.art/

to do
ooooo = mail the link / 

scroll downforprevious conversations /

Anarchaserver _ SERVIDOR  FEMINISTA_ is part of the feminist server network which intersect identity politics with a 'safe' virtual online space which we configure, develop and host together.

To nourish our community with our online space for art, activism, expression without fear of being trolled, censored or patronized by the privileged heterosexist majority which runs the internet.

Positive : 400 euro for writing application
budet: 120000

////////when//////// has to start *

2 collaboration proposals :
* Curators* Lab - redefining the vocabulary and practice

* Horizontal Webs: a co-op for the liberation of the internet and the championing of digital creation
   Find our proposal here: https://afairnewidea.be/en/topics/873/entries/10947
    andre neely <itsandreneely@gmail.com>
    Moa Johansson <Mo.Johansson@hotmail.com>

Of collaborative interest :
* RECONNAISSANCE: a workshop series for decolonizing image datasets through healing contexts

*  Trans* Futures Archive
   After Party Collective (Vidisha-Fadescha & Shaunak Mahbubani) ; afterpartycollective@gmail.com
     > - intersecting  - identity politics - but wonder digital paltform ? decentralized  tech ?
           we use repository :          what would be our role -  servicing - hosting ? 

* Is This Art? (working title)
 K Hart, hartkko@gmail.com
Pop-Fi (popularising fictions or popping their bubble) (http://madewitholga.be/pages/Pop-Fi

skip we don't contact

we propose the digital platform  we have infrastructure -  
many call their conceptual framework   >>> looking for infrastructure  -
we want to maintain -/ sustain finetune to ( residencies - workshops) - 
-  4 seasonal residencies -   1000    > curation *** 4000
-  1  >  1750  ( project managing: 3 people - ) **** 1800
- promotion 750 euro 
- tech infrastructures development -  .    > 12 months * 400   *** 4800 * 3/4 persons*
-  main infrastructure  syste /anarcha  *** 800 euro's

peertube ****  collage - show ***
+ video hosting   - video streaming  / **  curate on the video streaming/archiving ....hosting platform
+ repository  > 

amoqa ?
naast moniek 
mastodon - 
  tunnel - vpn - 

- communicate tom/an  - AFNI  > ( international proposals)  > vision tool/ peertube instance ( video - repository
 ( curatorially infrastructure/ archiving - within our identity politics connected servers)
ask advise - we contact different initiatives ---- > ? directly
- write to anarcha / systerserver / tuesday - 12:00 - 16:00
we applied funding- server keeps on this running - keep udpated  + steering activity - 
we discussed video streaming - instaal /run for a year a peertube instance + invited curatorial with (clear identity politics)
we applied - AFNi - more Brussels/Flanders artisti scene- local implementations of our digital infrastructure
inetersted in participating - develop this idea - finetune next tuesday 12:00 - 16:00
objections? questions .... 

- write 2 collaboraibve proposals - **** - 
- ask to write .   ( 100 euro  - 300 euro) -  3hours

27th  or 25 the deadline/ ?? ooooo will check again

    -  we will try to answer -  qyuestion

> Who are we ?
some inspiration from LUSH application here, https://antonieta.vedetas.org/p/lush

What we propose

As oooo ( a constellation based in Antwerp and operating internationally - 20 years active in educational art institutional and public space)  hears recently different collectives, artists, performers which are in need for other autonomous  platforms to communicate, share d share culture and mobilize..... as there is a bigger awareness on the 'GAFAM' tools .

Queer art initiatives
 > naast moniek - http://naastmonique.pink   - queer arts and community 
 > Stranglove Festival - Antwerp  https://www.strangelovefestival.com/
> Not found on - https://www.aliparoto.com/not-found-on
*To co-create a online space run by feminist queer bodies to share, record and connect art and social knowledge + To question the platforms we participate in online, as well as the culture and politics of commercial and non-commercial spaces
 Artistrun reflection + practices to distribute the open call/
 > State Of Arts  - https://state-of-the-arts.net/about-us/structure/  + artists/performers within the network
   - extend -> fair label ::: 
(> Privacy camp -  https://edri.org/take-action/events/privacy-camp-21/ )
> privacy salon https://www.privacysalon.org/artist-submissions 

KASK . Media art  department - or Social design 

> ....   bozar Cinema ...

>  open call to indvidual artists not only institutions and preconfigured constellations

 We would like to invite different projects which were articulated  in a Fair new Idea - which are more curatorial,archiving, artsistic practice in our video streaming and archiving ( Federated - peertube)
>  see  proposals / ligne  37

install / configure platform - > a screen session - internal feminist servers.
how to setup > active documentation via wiki / pads / shell logs
3 different artsists/ curator '(cyber) feminst art practices - 

-  main infrastructure  syste /anarcha/ tower??  (systerserver 120e hosting + domains 16.5 * 3 => total 169.5 check anarchaserver budget 200) *** 800   ++++++ 
-  3 seasonal residencies -   1000    + 4 self curated events  500 > total 5000  ((( 5300) ( 6700))

-  overhead - extra - contingencies - miscellaneous ( 5%) (600)

september/ october setting up + configuring
end of october platform ready
end of september- we start initiating an open call + actively contact different collaborators out A fair a new Idea
mid october selection
november + mid december - autumn residency   (-> more need because of weather !!!!)
mid january - february   -  winter resideny
march - mid april  -  spring residency
- april - may - june -  service is running  +   2  self- curated events   :: streaming /video /performances + workshop self host peertube + video streaming tutorial 
Tracking + data visualisation / monitoring if service wants to survive **** or become a zombie


Een feministische server als digitaal atelier en residentieplek.
Een feministische digitale kraakpand (bit radical for this call?)
Feministische servers voor digitale solidariteit
Feministische servers voor digitale ambachten
Een feministische server als digitaal atelier
Een feministische server voor digitaal ateliers

Naar welke uitdagingen voor digitaal werken gaat  je intersse uit


De huidige technologie richt zich op bewaking, controle en onderdrukking.  Maatschappelijken technisch uitgedaagd,  
kiezen we om zelf servers te beheren.We bediscussiëren, configureren en zetten 'services' op: mailingslist,
 agenda, social media, clouds, websites, streaming,… om te communiceren, publiceren, documenteren, experimenteren, presenteren. 
Met vrije software.  Geëmancipeerd noodzakelijk en dringend.
Also we try to navigate and circumvent the priveleges of the oligopoly consisted of cis-white men who run the internet infras, who are paid far better wages and who have the luxury of free time to partake in FLOSS. 

waarom wil je graag deelnemen aan deze oproep


Steeds meer horen we spreken over 'digitale mensen rechten '. Het belang om je als burger te verdiepen 
in computertechniek is groot. De kennis is klein, in handen van een klein groepje ontwikkelaars -hoofdzakelijk
cis mannen.  We willen toch niet allles gewoon prijs geven aan algoritmes van grote bedrijven wiens data centers 
het klimaat uitputten! Zij bepalen onze technologiën! Wij willen ons onderleggen in hoe we technologiën/tools zelf, 
onafhankelijk, voor onze noden kunnen ontwikkelen. 

We willen de gemeenschap  van autonome feministisch tech individuën en collectieven vergroten.  
We willen ruimte en tijd hebben om onze kennis uit te wisselen door het organiseren van events, festivals en (online) praktijk-  en schermsessies. 

Via deze oproep kunnen we onze huidige sysadmins gemeenschap ondersteunen, even weg van de precariteit, gewaardeerd, in het licht.
We ask for a subsidy to support our women, queer and NB sysadmins to be able to contribute more, with less precarity.

Wat globaal leeft, locaal bewustwording en ruchtbaarheid geven en medontwikkelen. 
Voor ons, een minderheid: gendergevoelig, queer LQTA+. 

Hoe kan jouw werk met deze uitdagingen een impact hebben op de fairness en duurzaamheid van de kunsten van Vlaanderen en Brussel? 


De impact en fairness ligt in het afstemmen van je visie, je artistiek statement, op je tools en werkinstrumenten. 
Door de digitale materie en online platformen als een aspect van je werk te zien, kan je ethische keuzes maken.  
Kunstenaars hebben een veilige plek nodig, inclusief, vol vertrouwen  waar ze hun mening en ‘artistiek werk’  
kunnen delen zodat  onze inhoud niet bepaald wordt door bevoordeelde algoritmes.  (and ranking algorithmes)

De intentie is om 'met' en 'van' elkaars praktijk te leren en zo duurzamere relaties en infrastructuur te configuren, 
onderhouden en mede te ontwikkelen. Een digitaal atelier of residentieplek . 

Door het gebruik van vrije software en open source te stimuleren kunnen we ook ander licenties  
(creative commons, copyleft, publiek…) die aan de basis liggen van ‘cultuurontwikkeling’ introduceren. (a  cultural development emancipated by the technocratic and monetized paradigm of the mainstream social media platforms)

We willen ook een actieve internationalisering bevorderen van ons Brussels en Vlaams kunstenlandschap  
- digitaal, online in netwerkverband.

  Queer-friendly digital makeup of our peertube instance + feminist interface policies
How to make our peertube more queer-friendly,  and how to appropriate the interface/jargon within the context of feminist servers.  In this session we share our peertube install documentation, implement together css/design  We will use Git hosted on systerserver for sharing the code and track the changes. We try to customize the color, typography, shapes, images, frame size, scale, navigation and discuss feminist collective data policies. 


Hi all!      
So sorry for our silence.      
We’ve been buried in ongoing projects.      
As much as we’d love to participate, we currently        do not have the bandwidth to take on new projects at this time.      

All the best for your work ahead      
Shaunak & Vidisha      
After Party Collective

(Site generated by E2H, an "Etherpad hypermedia" project by @dcht00). Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.