Powers of
one and zero


    02.09.2022 - critical, feminist reading of our proposal
In the Wikipedia article on Powers of Ten (1977), there is no reference to the earlier produced video Cosmic Zoom (1968) by Eva Szasz’s. They both make an interpretation of the essay Cosmic View (1957)

During the sessions DownDwarsDela,

Down Dwars Delà is a trio of words from English, Dutch and French. These aren’t translations but instead position(ing) that we see as talking back to the places and postures we’ll take, experiment with and visit during two sessions. We look at these words as forming a vector between the beyond, the out-of-reach and the experienceable world.

We propose a picknick, guided by the "Powers of Ten", a video of R. and C. Eames, commissioned by IBM in 1968, revisited in Variations by Futurefarmers 2011 - from solar system to subatomic level.

Where does the desire to expand our knowledge and understanding come from? To what lengths will we go to "know?" Who is impacted by this quest and where has this knowledge led us? What is the human factor within the search for knowledge?

A Variation is a journey through various fields of inquiry, from human psychology and philosophy to ecology, microbiology, astrobiology, environmental science, and zoology, that collects and presents knowledge (in this case, as it is constituted inside a major university) that provide a contemporary portrait of various perspectives on our changing world. Amy F and Michael Swaine

# Session 1 DownDwarsDela - Eben Ezer (BE)

mapping of the area

# People


Livia Cahn + av-net + Florent Delval

De la rigueur de la science- Mais ça pourrait s'appeler de l'erreur de la science. L'effort de tout cartographier rends l'effort même complètement obsolète.
  • La rigeur de la science - J.L. Borges, 1946
  • Flore des friches urbaines - Audrey Muratet, Myr Muratet, Marie Pellaton - éditions Xavier Barral,2017
  • Man, Bat and raven - Mike Jay, 2021
  • Autobiographie d'un poulpe - Vinciane Despret, 2021

There's an interesting vibration between the critic of the carthographic effort Livia is making and the map here, assembled. I like it because the point of friction is directly visible: the effort to map, to render a physical 'territory' through a mathematical rationalization + the impossibility of stabilization and complete rendering.... It is cutting through picture, probably the The Power of one and zero.


Julia Lazcko

  • The Art of Hacking - Julia Lazcko, 2021
  • The Mushroom at the End of the World:
    On the Possibility of Life in Capitalist Ruins - Ana Tsing, 2015

disorienting and difficult to follow


Olivia Joret + Chloé Janssens + xm

Zeros is less than One
  • The Spell of the Sensuous - D. Abraham, 1996
  • Do rocks listen ? -E. Povinelli, 1995


Monica Montes

  • La terre est une architecture -TVK, 2021
  • Pierres nobles -R. Metz, 1976
  • Personal Notebook
  • Brutalisme d'Achille Mbembe, 2020
  • La magie planétaire de Alf Hornborg, 2021


Jazmin Charalambous + Felix

  • Dancing in the Streets. History of Collective Joy - B. Ehrenreich, 2007
  • Der Grosses Kosmos Pilz Führer- 2019

Poetry Reading + analysis

Mia Melvaer + Rosa

  • Dictionnaires des Symboles. Mythes, rêves, coutûmes, gestes, formes, cpuleurs, Nombres - J. Chevalier, A Cheernrant , 1997
  • Art is more - J.J. Siesling, 2015
  • Personal notebooks

# Interface

For the documentation, we used a raspberry pi with camera + an installed ∏-box micro FM transmitter which modulates SSTV (Slow Scan Television) images and sent them via a chosen Fm frequency. The device was used in the Electromagic project which was developping intsruments for the electromagnetic commons.

  • Rocks and Mineral Coloring Book - T.D Burns
  • Espace et urbanisme - Collection Cosmos Club de France - A.Ducrocq, 1975
  • Earth sound signal - D Kahn, 2013
  • Crystelling - ooooo, 2019
  • Rocks and Minerals - A guide to familiar minerals, gems, ores and rocks
  • The Inspire Journal, V24, Summer 2019 - Interactive nasa space physics Ionesphere radio experiments
  • Practical Wireless, june 1974
  • Het UAB Basisvergunning handboek, 2e editie - R.strobbe, 0N7YD
  • FM radio zonder storing ? n° 683 25 oktober 1957 - AO
  • Kijk met (ao) naar de sterrenhemel. n° 687 29 november 1957 - AO
  • Ultrasonoor, onhoor geluid n° 665 14 juni 1957 - AO
  • Le meilleur des ondes, n°302 Sept/Okt 2019 - IEB

supported by

ooooo, av-net, Julia Lazcko, Florent Delval, Livia Cahn, Monica Montes, Rosa, Mia Melvaer, Olivia Joret, Chloé Janssens, Felix, Jazmin Charalambous, Donatella, Wendy van Wynsberghe, Peter Westenberg, Elodie Mugrefya, Exponentialdesign
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.0 Belgium License.
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