dept_shadows~wavesDepartment of Shadows & Waves examines the physical and socio-political impact of electromagnetic fields.The Department declares open access to physical and virtual resources as servers, buildings, antenna's, air and frequencies.Access means maintain, upgrade and develop citizen voices in this critical natural resource; to commonize the electromagnetic spectrum![]() offcial documents RETOUR : ApplicationRecyclart - Brussel 4, 5 AugustIn 2014 Department of Shadows & Waves set up a basic infrastructure in ESC, Graz (A) and S14, Antwerp (BE).From 23th - 27th of September 2014, Marthe Van Dessel, was (cyber)shadowing to gain competencies in installing and maintaining servers, setting up access points and of course create radiodramas (virtual). (physical) Johanna Kirsch joined the Department with her tools, practice and interest in existing norms, rules, boundaries and categories; to experiment.RadioRuelles, a netradio served as a node with a public license to "wave"cast (from both locations). CHANNEL IN:>In collaboration with wireless-antwerpen mamm'out liminal consortium offcial documents CYBERSHADOWING : ApplicationDECLARATION : UpgradeG : Physical + G : VirtualA : Physical + A : Virtual |